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Artikelanzahl:  2
Warenwert: 26,90 €
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Gesamtbetrag: 30,85 €


1845284 Garde Manger
The Art and Craft of the Cold Kitchen
Preis:   € 61,90

Einband: Gb
Auflage: 3. Auflage
Verlag: John Wiley & Sons
Erscheinungsdatum: 01/2008
Seiten: 688 S.

ISBN-10: 0-470-05590-1   
ISBN-13: 978-0-470-05590-8

In den Warenkorb

Weitere Fachbücher aus dem Fachgebiet:
Hotelgewerbe, Gastronomie u. Touristik | Kochen u. Kochkunst | 
The leading guide to the professional kitchen's cold food station, now fully revised and updated
Garde Manger is one of the most important courses culinary students take--and it's often the first kitchen station that a new chef will encounter. This definitive guide has been thoroughly revised to reflect the latest garde manger trends, techniques, and flavors, including new information on topics such as brining ratios, fermented sausages, micro greens, artisanal American cheeses, tapas menus, "action" buffet stations, and ice carving. With over 540 recipes, including 100 created new for this edition, and more than 340 all-new photographs illustrating step-by-step techniques and finished dishes, this new edition of Garde Manger is an indispensable reference for culinary students and working chefs everywhere.
Chapter One. The Professional Garde Manger.
Chapter Two. Cold Sauces and Cold Soups.
Chapter Three. Salads.
Chapter Four. Sandwiches.
Chapter Five. Cured and Smoked Foods.
Chapter Six. Sausage.
Chapter Seven. Terrines, P't,s, Galantines, and Roulades.
Chapter Eight. Cheese.
Chapter Nine. Appetizers and Hors d'Oeuvre.
Chapter Ten. Condiments, Crackers, and Pickles.
Chapter Eleven. Buffet Presentation.
Chapter Twelve. Basic Recipes.
Bibliography and Recommended Reading.
Recipe Index.
Subject Index.
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