German English


1731701 Montier, James:
Behavioural Finance
Insights into Irrational Minds and Markets
Preis:   € 105,00

Reihe: Wiley Finance Series, Einband: Gb
Auflage: 1. Auflage
Verlag: John Wiley & Sons Chichester
Erscheinungsdatum: 2002
Seiten: 212 S.

ISBN-10: 0-470-84487-6   
ISBN-13: 978-0-470-84487-8

In den Warenkorb

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A concrete guide that links the theory of behavioral finance with applications in financial products
Behavioral finance is a rapidly expanding field, with major implications for the way in which the investment process is conducted. Behavioural Finance links the concepts of behavioral finance to measurable variables and smarter investment decision making. Comprehensive coverage relating theory to practical investment analysis provides a usable, practical guide for real-world situations.
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