German English


1689952 Collins, Art; Pardo, Robert:
Beating the Financial Futures Market
Combining Small Biases into Powerful Money Making Strategies
Preis:   € 55,90

Reihe: Wiley Trading Series, Einband: Gb
Auflage: 1. Auflage
Verlag: John Wiley & Sons
Erscheinungsdatum: 10/2006
Seiten: 246 S.

ISBN-10: 0-470-03865-9   
ISBN-13: 978-0-470-03865-9

In den Warenkorb

Weitere Fachbücher aus dem Fachgebiet:
Finanz- u. Anlagewesen | Kapitalanlage | 
Praise for Beating the Financial Futures Market
"A must-read for all system traders-and even for those who aren't. Art Collins demonstrates why system trading works, and points out the biggest pitfall: the trader himself! By the way, there are a lot of good trading systems in this book, too."
-Lawrence G. McMillan author of McMillan on Options, and President, McMillan Analysis Corp.
"Art Collins's new book is a technical toolbox gem that presents many examples that you can use to profitably trade financial futures."
-William A. Dunn founder and Chairman, Dunn Capital Management, Inc.
"Read Beating the Financial Futures Market by veteran trader/researcher/system developer Art Collins for examples of the thought processes and explorations he employs to develop and perfect his own trading logic. After all these years of experience and successes, Art is still continually searching out market tendencies and truths."
-Wayne Griffith developer of the top-ranked Anticipation Trading System, and profiled in Market Beaters
"Finally! Well thought out research that is a delightful read! Art knows how to combine legitimate market tendencies to create durable and robust trading models and present them in a logical, well laid out fashion. A work of this caliber has been long overdue!"
-Linda Raschke President, LBRGroup, Inc.
"Art Collins makes the strong case for a scientific view of the trading.Ignore his market wizard wisdom at your peril."
-Michael Covel author of the bestseller Trend Following: How Great Traders Make Millions in Up or Down Markets
About the Systems and Studies in This Book.
CHAPTER 1. The Problem with Non-Mechanical Trading.
CHAPTER 2. Understanding the Numbers Game.
CHAPTER 3. But Why Doesn't Spontaneous Trading Work? Why Is It So Hard for Someone to Profit by Merely Using His Head?
CHAPTER 4. Identifying Simple Biases.
CHAPTER 5. Close versus Closing Averages.
CHAPTER 6. The Four Rules of Prudent Optimization.
CHAPTER 7. Two-Day versus Five-Day Averages.
CHAPTER 8. Fifty-Day Order of Extreme Highest/Lowest Closes.
CHAPTER 9. Combining the First Three Basic Indicators.
CHAPTER 10. Cuing Off Relative Range Sizes.
CHAPTER 11. Fifteen-Day High/Low Averages.
CHAPTER 12. Combining All Five Indicators.
CHAPTER 13. Other Combinations of the Five Basic Indicators.
CHAPTER 14. Two More Open-to-Close Biases.
CHAPTER 15. Cups and Caps.
CHAPTER 16. Three-Day 20 Percent Support-Resistance Indicator.
CHAPTER 17. The Eight Indicator System (Plus a Discussion of Outliers).
CHAPTER 18. Entering on Stops.
CHAPTER 19. Entering on Limits.
CHAPTER 20. Some General Observations about Stops (and an Actual Application).
CHAPTER 21. The Pros and Cons of Price Targets (Featuring Another Effective System).
CHAPTER 22. Other Applications of the Two High/Low Exit Technique (Live! As It Happens!).
CHAPTER 23. On Further Optimization, Market Drift, and Virgin Data.
CHAPTER 24. "The Best System in the World"-- (If Only!).
CHAPTER 25. Targeting Sectors.
CHAPTER 26. Index Biases Part One--Days of the Week.
CHAPTER 27. Index Biases Part Two--Days of the Month (Or How to Beat the Stuffings out of the Bellwether S&P Indicator).
CHAPTER 28. Index Biases Part Three--Month of the Year Indicator.
CHAPTER 29. Index Biases Part Four--Combining Day of Week, Monthly, and Previous Eight Indicators.
CHAPTER 30. The Dow-Spoo Spread--"Told You So!"
CHAPTER 31. Intraday Day Trading Part One: The Most Significant Price in Your Arsenal.
CHAPTER 32. Intraday Part Two--The Switch (Can Promising Trading Environments Be Anticipated?).
CHAPTER 33. Intraday Part Three--An Effective Index Switch.
CHAPTER 34. Intraday Part Four--A Financial Switch.
CHAPTER 35. Intraday Part Five--Four Combined Entry Signals in the Indexes.
CHAPTER 36. When It Gets Extreme--What to Do after Five Closes in the Same Direction.
CHAPTER 37. Some Additional Fade Ideas.
CHAPTER 38. Another Look at N Day and an Alternative Stop Approach.
CHAPTER 39. Taking On the Axioms Part One--The RSI Indicator.
CHAPTER 40. Taking On the Axioms Part Two--The Reversal Day Indicator.
CHAPTER 41. Potpourri--Systems as I Discover and/or Rediscover Them--In No Particular Order.
CHAPTER 42. A Final Step-by-Step System Construction--The Six Signal Indicator.
CHAPTER 43. Combining the Non-Either-Or Indicators.
CHAPTER 44. Six Signals Plus Non-Either-Or--Putting It All Together.
CHAPTER 45. Know It When You See It--What Is Mechanical, What Isn't--(A Quiz).
CHAPTER 46. Embrace Mechanical Trading in Your Gut on a 100 Percent All-or-Nothing Basis:That's the Only Way It Will Work.
CHAPTER 47. Final Observations.
APPENDIX: TradeStation Formulas.
About the Author.
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