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2031673 Airey, David; Tribe, John:
Developments in Tourism Research
New directions, challenges and applications
Preis:   € 69,95

Reihe: Advances in Tourism Research
Verlag: Elsevier Science
Erscheinungsdatum: 2007
Seiten: 268 S.

ISBN-10: 0-08-045328-7   
ISBN-13: 978-0-08-045328-6

In den Warenkorb

Weitere Fachbücher aus dem Fachgebiet:
Reisen u. Touristik | 
This book aims to be a showcase for cutting edge research offering a high-edited selection of the best paper submitted to the 2006 tourism conference at the University of Surrey, which itself is a celebration of 40 years of tourism education at the University. The emphasis of the book is on contributions which offer new insights and approaches to tourism research rather than case studies or applications of existing research methods to new contexts, and this is where the book is unique.
*Originates from papers presented at the University of Surrey's conference on 'Cutting Edge Research in Tourism', held as a celebration of 40 years of tourism education at the University.*Include contributions from both high-profile, established researchers in the field, and emerging stars, all of which will offer new insights and approaches to tourism research.*Chapters are carefully themed and juxtaposed to expose the key directions and challenges that confront researchers in tourism.
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