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1731920 Gregory, Kip:
Winning Clients in a Wired World
Seven Strategies for Growing Your Business Using Technology and the Web
Preis:   € 43,90

Reihe: J.K. Lasser Pro., Einband: Gb
Auflage: 1. Auflage
Verlag: John Wiley & Sons New York
Erscheinungsdatum: 4/2004
Seiten: 288 S.

ISBN-10: 0-471-24975-0   
ISBN-13: 978-0-471-24975-7

In den Warenkorb

Weitere Fachbücher aus dem Fachgebiet:
Finanz- u. Anlagewesen | Finanzberatung | 
A valuable guide to making technology work for your business
Now that the Internet bubble has burst, financial service professionals are looking for more realistic ways to use technology to their advantage. J. K. Lasser Pro Taming Technology offers easy and effective methods to do just that. This comprehensive guide puts what's available today in technology into a cohesive framework-one that offers a systematic way to think about and implement technology-to build and strengthen relationships with clients and prospects. J. K. Lasser Pro Taming Technology is a valuable resource for financial service professionals seeking clear, practical advice on using technology and the Internet to acquire and retain profitable business. This book provides readers with easy-to-use ideas and techniques to successfully incorporate technology into their business promotion.
Getting Started.
Some Explanations.
And Some Encouragement.
What to Do Right Now.
What to Keep on Doing.
The Most Important Thing to Keep in Mind.
Chapter 1: Keep What's Critical at Your Fingertips.
The Knowledge Journal Concept.
Getting Set Up.
A Shortcut for Faster Access.
Working Your Journal.
Organizing Content.
Building a Group Knowledge Bank.
Chapter 2: Achieve Breakthroughs Systematically.
Identifying Opportunities.
Three Steps to Improvement.
Technology's Role.
The Money Value of Time.
The Economics of Your Business.
Inspecting What You Expect.
Growth, Change, and the Nautilus.
Chapter 3: Work the Web for All It's Worth.
Prospecting Online.
What to Look For.
Directories Worth Digging Into.
What You Need, When You Want It . . . Automatically.
The Language of Search.
Turbocharging Your Browser.
Beyond Google.
Chapter 4: Build Relationships Through Better Communication.
How Good Are You?
Seven Steps to Improvement.
The Pros and Cons of E-Mail.
Effective E-Mail Strategies.
Mastering the Electronic Medium.
The Affluent + The Internet = Opportunity.
101 Ways to Get Closer to Clients.
Chapter 5: Present Yourself Professionally.
Plan Your Presentation.
A Quick Lesson in PowerPoint.
Design Dos and Don'ts.
Using Screen Shots.
Repurposing Content.
Looking Good in Print.
Preparing "Digital" Handouts.
Setting Up to Present.
Delivering Your Message.
Help with Public Speaking.
The Value of Feedback.
Useful Resources.
Presenting Over the Internet.
Chapter 6: Automate Time-Consuming Tasks.
Tame Your Inbox.
Keep Contact Information Up-to-Date.
Manage Frequently Used Content.
Streamline Your Marketing.
Keyboard Shortcuts.
Let Macros Do the Work.
Add-Ins for Excel and Word.
Chapter 7: Get the Help You Need to Succeed.
Resources Hiding in Plain Sight.
Virtual Assistance.
Interns: Affordable Workers, Eager to Learn.
Streamlining Interviews and Selection.
Finding Freelancers.
Leveraging Vendors.
Learning Resources.
Chapter 8: Assembling Your Toolkit.
Avoiding Disaster.
Productivity Tools and Utilities.
Where to Get the Inside Scoop.
Buying Hardware.
Upgrading Software.
Resolving Technical Troubles.
Chapter 9: The Chat Room.
Chapter 10: Where Do I Go from Here?
Appendix A: Using Technology to Build a Better Sales Force.
Understand What the Market Wants.
Be Clear About What's in It for You.
Get Internal Buy-In Early.
Transform Your Traditional Relationships.
Appendix B: Worksheets.
Software Inventory Summary.
Program Features Worksheet.
Work Flow Worksheet.
The Gregory Group's Online Research Checklist.
Communication Planning Worksheet 1.
Communication Planning Worksheet 2.
Communication Planning Worksheet 3.
Macro Writing Worksheet.
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