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1693057 Katsigris, Costas; Thomas, Chris:
The Bar and Beverage Book
  Preis:   € 89,90

Einband: Gb
Auflage: 4. Auflage
Verlag: John Wiley & Sons
Erscheinungsdatum: 11/2006
Seiten: 752 S.

ISBN-10: 0-471-64799-3   
ISBN-13: 978-0-471-64799-7

In den Warenkorb

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The updated guide to five-star bar and beverage management
It takes more than top-shelf cocktails to produce a successful beverage operation. From a stand-alone business to the beverage department of a restaurant, hotel, or foodservice operation, today's successful bar operations must be run by managers who have product and equipment knowledge, management savvy, marketing skills, insight into the latest trends, and, of course, a strong grasp of mixology--all of which are detailed here in The Bar and Beverage Book. This revised Fourth Edition has the most up-to-date material on managing a beverage operation, bar equipment, sanitation and bar setup, inventory control, and the importance of planning for profit. This edition includes new material and expert advice on :
* Responsible alcohol service--learn crisis management, protection from third-party liability, and ways to ensure customers drink in moderation
* Marketing--investigate new service methods to attract a wider demographic
* Staffing--improve the recruitment, hiring, and training of employees
* Spirits, wine, and beer--acquire a greater knowledge of upscale products
* Management practices--learn methods for pricing individual drinks, tracking product, preventing loss, and calculating a bar's break-even point for profitability
* Regulations--stay informed about the latest legal issues
The Bar and Beverage Book, Fourth Edition is an invaluable resource for students in the beverage management and hospitality fields, as well as professionals involved in beverage operations.
Chapter 1: The Beverage Industry, Past and Present.
Chapter 2: Responsible Alcohol Service.
Chapter 3: Creating and Maintaining a Bar Business.
Chapter 4: Bar Equipment.
Chapter 5: The Beverages: Spirits.
Chapter 6: Wine Appreciation.
Chapter 7: Wine Sales and Service.
Chapter 8: Beer.
Chapter 9: Sanitation and Bar Setup.
Chapter 10: Mixology, Part One.
Chapter 11: Mixology, Part Two.
Chapter 12: Employee Management.
Chapter 13: Purchasing, Receiving, Storage and Inventory.
Chapter 14: Planning for Profit.
Chapter 15: Managing Your Business.
Chapter 16: Regulations.
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