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Artikelanzahl:  1
Warenwert: 32,00 €
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2010297 Castree, Noel; Demeritt, David; Liverman, Diana:
A Companion to Environmental Geography
  Preis:   € 142,00

Reihe: Blackwell Companions to Geography, Einband: Gb
Auflage: 1. Auflage
Verlag: John Wiley & Sons
Erscheinungsdatum: 01/2009
Seiten: 608 S.

ISBN-10: 1-4051-5622-8   
ISBN-13: 978-1-4051-5622-6

In den Warenkorb

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A Companion to Environmental Geography is the first book to comprehensively and systematically map the research frontier of 'human-environment geography' in an accessible and comprehensive way.
* * Cross-cuts several areas of a discipline which has traditionally been seen as divided; presenting work by human and physical geographers in the same volume
* Presents both the current 'state of the art' research and charts future possibilities for the discipline
* Extends the term 'environmental geography' beyond its 'traditional' meanings to include new work on nature and environment by human and physical geographers - not just hazards, resources, and conservation geographers
* Contains essays from an outstanding group of international contributors from among established scholars and rising stars in geography
List of Contributors.
1 Introduction: Making Sense of Environmental Geography (Noel Castree, David Demeritt and Diana Liverman).
Part I Concepts.
2 Nature (Bruce Braun).
3 Sustainability (Becky Mansfield).
4 Biodiversity (Karl S. Zimmerer).
5 Complexity, Chaos and Emergence (Steven M. Manson).
6 Uncertainty and Risk (James D. Brown and Sarah L. Damery).
7 Scale (Nathan F. Sayre).
8 Vulnerability and Resilience to Environmental Change: Ecological and Social Perspectives (W. Neil Adger and Katrina Brown).
9 Commodification (Scott Prudham).
Part II Approaches.
10 Earth-System Science (John Wainwright).
11 Land Change (Systems) Science (B. L. Turner II).
12 Ecology: Natural and Political (Matthew D. Turner).
13 Quaternary Geography and the Human Past (Jamie Woodward).
14 Environmental History (Georgina H. Endfield).
15 Landscape, Culture and Regional Studies: Connecting the Dots (Kenneth R. Olwig).
16 Ecological Modernisation and Industrial Transformation (Arthur P. J. Mol and Gert Spaargaren).
17 Marxist Political Economy and the Environment (George Henderson).
18 After Nature: Entangled Worlds (Owain Jones).
Part III Practices.
19 Remote Sensing and Earth Observation (Heiko Balzter).
20 Modelling and Simulation (George L. W. Perry).
21 Integrated Assessment (James Tansey).
22 Ethnography (Kevin St. Martin and Marianna Pavlovskaya).
23 Analysing Environmental Discourses and Representations (Tom Mels).
24 Deliberative and Participatory Approaches in Environmental Geography (Jason Chilvers).
Part IV Topics.
25 Ecosystem Prediction and Management (Robert A. Francis).
26 Environment and Development (Tom Perreault).
27 Natural Hazards (Daanish Mustafa).
28 Environmental Governance (Gavin Bridge and Tom Perreault).
29 Commons (James McCarthy).
30 Water (Karen Bakker).
31 Energy Transformations and Geographic Research (Scott Jiusto).
32 Food and Agriculture in a Globalising World (Richard Le Heron).
33 Environment and Health (Hilda E. Kurtz and Karen E. Smoyer-Tomic).
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