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1732467 Nicholas H. Barton; Derek E.G. Briggs; Jonathan A. Eisen:
  Preis:   € 69,00

Einband: Hardcover
Auflage: 1. Auflage
Verlag: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
Erscheinungsdatum: 07/2007
Seiten: 800 pp.

ISBN-10: 0-87969-684-2   
ISBN-13: 978-087969684-9

In den Warenkorb

Weitere Fachbücher aus dem Fachgebiet:
Evolution | 
Evolution is a new book on evolutionary biology that integrates molecular biology, genomics, and human genetics with traditional studies of evolutionary processes.

Recommended as a primary textbook for undergraduate courses in evolution
Required reading for biologists seeking a clear, current, and comprehensive account of evolutionary theory and mechanisms
Written by experts in population genetics, bacterial genomics, paleontology, human genetics, and developmental biology
Integrates molecular and evolutionary biology in ways that reflect current directions in research
Contents and Coverage
This extensively illustrated, full-color book has four sections:
Introduction (Part I) gives an account of how the ideas underpinning evolutionary theory developed and a history of experiments and ideas in the development of molecular biology.
Origin and Diversification of Life (Part II) describes the history of life on earth from the origin of life to the evolution of humans, with emphasis on the major transitions in genetic organization and novel adaptations that have appeared. The diversity of life is emphasized. The chapters make extensive use of information from complete genome sequences and analysis of molecular mechanisms in development.
Evolutionary Processes (Part III) describes how the diversity of life is generated: How variation arises and how selection acts are considered in detail. Many examples used to illustrate these processes are drawn from molecular sources.
Human Evolution (Part IV) discusses human evolution and diversity. The benefits of molecular markers for our understanding of human evolution are highlighted and these findings integrated with paleontological evidence. Also discussed is the use of evolutionary methods to identify genetic differences that predispose people to specific diseases and affect their responses to treatment.
Online-only Chapters Additional chapters, found on the Web only, deal with techniques and models used in studying evolutionary biology, emphasizing the contribution of molecular biology and genomics to phylogenetic reconstruction methods.
Resources for Instructors
The Evolution Web site ( is an invaluable supplement to the textbook, a resource for teachers that will contain downloadable figures (for PowerPoint or overhead display) and chapter problems.
Request exam copies and other information
Visit the Evolution Web site now for more information about this new book. Request a detailed Table of Contents, Sample Chapters, Exam Copies, and Updates about Evolution.
Aim and Scope of the Book

1 The History of Evolutionary Biology: Evolution and Genetics
2 The Origin of Molecular Biology
3 Evidence for Evolution

4 The Origin of Life
5 The Last Universal Common Ancestor and The Tree of Life
6 Diversification of Bacteria and Archaea I: Phylogeny and Biology
7 Diversification of Bacteria and Archaea II: Genetics and Genomics
8 The Origin and Diversification of Eukaryotes
9 The Evolution of Multicellularity and Development
10 Diversification of Plants and Animals
11 Evolution of Developmental Programs

12 Generation of Variation by Mutation and Recombination
13 Variation in DNA and Proteins
14 Variation in Genetically Complex Traits
15 Random Genetic Drift
16 Population Structure
17 Selection on Variation
18 The Interaction between Selection and Other Forces
19 Measuring Selection
20 Phenotypic Evolution
21 Conflict and Cooperation
22 Species and Speciation
23 Evolution of Genetic Systems
24 Evolution of Novelty

25 Human Evolutionary History
26 Current Issues in Human Evolution

Glossary, Figure Credits, Index

Evolution is a new book on evolutionary biology that integrates molecular biology, genomics, and human genetics with traditional studies of evolutionary processes.

Nicholas H. Barton’s early research was on narrow zones of hybridization that subdivide many populations;
this involved work on a variety of species, including grasshoppers, butterflies, and toads.
More recently, his research has been mainly theoretical and aimed at understanding the influence of
selection on complex traits, models of speciation, the evolution of sex and recombination, and the
coalescent process. He is Professor of Evolutionary Genetics at the Institute of Evolutionary Biology,
University of Edinburgh.

Derek E.G. Briggs has worked on the extraordinary fossils of the Cambrian Burgess Shale of British
Columbia. His current research focuses on the preservation and evolutionary significance of exceptionally
preserved fossil biotas. He is Professor in the Department of Geology and Geophysics at
Yale University and Director of the Yale Institute for Biospheric Studies.

Jonathan A. Eisen has worked on the evolution of hydrothermal vent symbioses in marine invertebrates
and has studied the evolution of DNA repair processes in halophilic archaea. His current
research focuses on the evolutionary diversification and genome sequencing of microbes—especially
those from extreme environments—as well as the development of phylogenomic methods. He is
a Professor in the Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology and the Department of
Evolution and Ecology at the University of California at Davis.

David B. Goldstein’s principal interests include human genetic diversity, the genetics of neurological
disease, population genomics, and pharmacogenetics. His laboratory currently investigates how
human genetic variation influences the response to drug treatments for common neurological and
cardiovascular disorders. He is Director of the Center for Population Genomics and
Pharmacogenetics at the Duke University Medical Center.

Nipam H. Patel has studied the molecular basis of Drosophila neuron specification and axon
pathfinding, as well as the evolution of insect segmentation and embryo pattern formation.
Professor Patel’s research group continues to study arthropods with a focus on the evolution of
development, including the formation of the central nervous system, changes in gene expression
patterns and regulatory elements, and the evolution of segmentation and body morphology. He is
Professor of Integrative Biology, Genetics and Development at the University of California, Berkeley.
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