German English


1647669 Schein, Edgar H.:
Career Anchors
Participant Workbook
Preis:   € 19,90

Einband: Pb
Auflage: 3. Auflage
Verlag: John Wiley & Sons
Erscheinungsdatum: 05/2006
Seiten: 72 S.

ISBN-10: 0-7879-7759-4   
ISBN-13: 978-0-7879-7759-7

In den Warenkorb

Weitere Fachbücher aus dem Fachgebiet:
Beruf u. Karriere, allgemein | Wirtschaft | 
Developed by Edgar Schein at MIT's Sloan School of Management, the Career Anchors Participant Workbook is designed to help you explore and better understand your workplace skills and competencies, career motives and values; analyze your present job and possible future jobs through role and network analysis; and rate yourself in relation to possible competencies and skills needed in present and future jobs.
Once you have completed the Career Anchors Self-Assessment, this workbook will guide you through the next steps in analyzing and understanding your career anchor. As you work through the pages, you will gain new insight into your career values and how they relate to your past and future choices. This easy-to-use workbook includes information about career development, a more complete description of the eight career anchors categories, and an interview section that helps you to analyze your career history. The workbook includes directions on how to create a personal career history, either by yourself in written form or with the help of another person. A completely new section, Job/Role Analysis and Planning, enables you to relate the career anchors to your current position and future jobs by providing an explanation and instructions for creating role maps.
The self-awareness created by the research-backed information and exercises in the Career Anchors Participant Workbook will help you to understand what values are most important to you, making your future job decisions easier and more valid, and your future workplace happiness and success more assured.
Career Development.
The "Internal Career" and Career Anchors.
External Career Stages and Career Movement.
Development of the Career Anchor in the Internal Career.
The Eight Career Anchor Categories.
Identifying Career Anchors Through Career History Analysis.
Career Planning Interview Questions.
Reconciling the Self-Assessment Scores with the History Review.
Common Questions.
Job/Role Analysis.
Analyzing Your Present Job.
Analyzing Possible Future Jobs.
Job/Role Planning for Future Career Options.
Self-Assessment of Future Job/Role Requirements.
Developmental Implications and Next Steps.
References and Additional Resources.
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