German English


885214 Kerkhoff, Gerd:
The Bermuda Triangle of Business
Procurement - How to exploit dormant potentials
Preis:   € 39,90

Einband: Gb
Auflage: 1. Auflage
Verlag: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA
Erscheinungsdatum: 02/2005
Seiten: 224 S.
Abbildungen: 24 Ill.

ISBN-10: 3-527-50123-1   
ISBN-13: 978-3-527-50123-6

In den Warenkorb

Weitere Fachbücher aus dem Fachgebiet:
Management | Wirtschaft | 
Not only when times are hard is procurement an extremely important factor. Here, Kerkhoff illustrates in an easily comprehensible and entertaining manner how to open up and exploit the huge potential for savings. Nonetheless at no point does he plead for "price reductions at any cost".
For most entrepreneurs and top managers, procurement is not one of the management tasks with the highest priority. And this is a mistake, as this is where there is much potential for saving and optimization. The reason for this error is obvious: Very few managers have stopped off at procurement on their way to the top.
Using impressive examples, Gerd Kerkhoff makes readers aware of this topic needed for survival. He shows how companies can test the efficacy of their relationships to suppliers. The result is often astounding: Savings of over 10 percent may be made. Kerkhoff the pragmatic illustrates how this potential can be used at short notice and then sustained. For example, he explains how a profit-oriented buying department should be organized, structured, supervised and managed. To conclude, the author does away with the assumption that e-procurement is the all-round cure for increasing buying efficiency.
Chapter 1 "When it comes to procurement, we think we're the world champions "
A Spaniard wakes the whole sector from its "100-years of sleeping"
Huge savings potentials are wasting away in procurement departments
Depending on the sector concerned, the focus is on R&D, sales and marketing
Procurement is a job for the boss
A plea for our buyers
Chapter 2 Procurement: A guaranteed return in all corporate situations
How optimizing procurement facilitates rehabilitation
How optimizing procurement increases the value of a company
How optimizing procurement contributes to refinancing a "company marriage"
Chapter 3 From traditional buying to modern procurement management
The net product low continues to drop
Total cost of ownership becomes a driving force for returns
Strategic procurement management determines sustainable growth
Chapter 4 Five typical cases from real life: The mistakes are almost always the same
Case one: Buying without predefined tasks
Case two: Sole concentration on design and development
Case three: A fine balance between central and decentralized buying
Case four: Inefficient despite suitable buying tools
Case five: The buyer as the supposed all-rounder
Chapter 5 Your procurement under scrutiny: Determine the unused potential for returns
You have to know these data
Do you buy traditionally or already run a modern procurement management system?
How efficiently can your procurement work?
Do you know enough about your suppliers?
Do you know how your suppliers really perform?
Do you really make your suppliers conform?
How well developed is your procurement logistics?
How qualified is your head of procurement?
A self-test for your head of procurement
Chapter 6 Help for self-help: The tools of success in modern procuring management
What type are you: New challenges for traditional buyers
Tool of success: Organization
Tool of success: Analysis of potential
Tool of success: Negotiating strategy
What general agreements need to include
Tool of success: Internet-based procurement
Tool of success: Detailed tenders
Tool of success: Life auction
Chapter 7 Formulate ambitious monetary goals: The basis for success
Multifaceted optimization goals are attainable
Aims for products with a high percentage of raw materials
Chapter 8 Procurement tomorrow: Important source of returns for the company
The professional buyer becomes a supplier-relationship manager
The buyer of the future takes on the tasks of a cost manager
The role of procurement optimization as part of Basle II
A personal offer for my readers
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