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Artikelanzahl:  1
Warenwert: 17,90 €
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Gesamtbetrag: 21,85 €


1732272 Keuleneer, Luc; Swagerman, Dirk; Verhoog, Willem:
A Vision for the Future
In Conversation with Financial Strategists
Preis:   € 29,90

Einband: Br
Auflage: 1. Auflage
Verlag: John Wiley & Sons Chichester
Erscheinungsdatum: 10/2000
Seiten: 192 S.

ISBN-10: 0-471-49785-1   
ISBN-13: 978-0-471-49785-1

In den Warenkorb

Weitere Fachbücher aus dem Fachgebiet:
Finanz- u. Anlagewesen | Finanz- u. Anlagewesen | 
A Vision for the Future is a collection of fifteen interviews on the subject of strategic financial management with leading experts in the field, including such luminaries as Tom Copeland, Professor H. Markowitz, and Merton Miller.
These accessible interviews cover a broad range of subjects, from financial risk management to the question of whether transparency can be increased by improving the implementation of corporate governance.

A Vision for the Future: An Introduction.

New Developments in Valuation: In Conversation with Professor T.E. Copeland.

Strategy and Finance: Complementary Terms?: In Conversation with Professor L.M.F.J. Keuleneer and Mr. L. Van Steenberge.

Shareholder Value and Financial Management: In Conversation with Professor J. Bilderbeek and Mr. D.M. Swagerman MBA MBT.

Hot Topics in Strategic Finance: In Conversation with Professor A.B. Dorsman and Professor A. Thibeault.

Theory and Practice: Inseparable Pair?: In Conversation with Professor L. Traas.

Portfolio Theory is Still the Starting Point for Many Decisions: In Conversation with Professor H. Markowitz.

A Personal Vision on the Future of Finance: In Conversation with Professor M.H. Miller.

Going Far East: Dangers and Challenges: In Conversation with Mr. J. Lintjer.

A Visit to the European Union's Financing Institution: In Conversation with Mr. R.W. de Korte.

Increasing liberalisation of Financial Markets has Implications for National Policymaking: In Conversation with the Dutch Minister of Finance, Mr. G. Zalm.

Behave Properly: That's the Way to Guarantee Return: In Conversation with Professor S. Benartzi.

Supervision and Management. On People's Sense of Responsibility, Cruel Markets and Presentation: In Conversation with Professor J.R. Glasz.

Strategy is Finance; Finance is Strategy: In Conversation with Mr. J.H.M. Hommen.

The Government May Regulate, but the Market Rules: In Conversation with Mr. P.M. Feenstra.

Living from Money: Not for Money: In Conversation with Mr. H.H. Meijer RA.

Big, Bigger, Too Big?: In Conversation with Mr. W.M. van den Goorbergh.


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