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1562483 Rubinstein, Mark:
A History of the Theory of Investments
My Annotated Bibliography
Preis:   € 83,90

Reihe: Wiley Finance Editions, Einband: Gb
Auflage: 1. Auflage
Verlag: John Wiley & Sons
Erscheinungsdatum: 03/2006
Seiten: 384 S.

ISBN-10: 0-471-77056-6   
ISBN-13: 978-0-471-77056-5

In den Warenkorb

Weitere Fachbücher aus dem Fachgebiet:
Finanz- u. Anlagewesen | Kapitalanlage | 
The most comprehensive, enlightening reference ever published on the history of investment theory and asset pricing
"Mark Rubinstein's A History of the Theory of Investments is a lucid account of fundamental contributions in economics, finance, and probability theory that have profoundly influenced modern investment theory and shaped the capital and derivatives markets. Written by a leading financial economist, this kaleidoscope of ideas provides fascinating reading for students of investments and practitioners alike."
-George Constantinides, Leo Melamed Professor of Finance, University of Chicago
"This exceptional book provides valuable insights into the evolution of financial economics from the perspective of a major player."
-Robert Litzenberger, Hopkinson Professor Emeritus of Investment Banking, University of Pennsylvania; and retired partner, Goldman Sachs
"As usual, Professor Rubinstein provides a unique perspective on scholarly research in finance. His annotated bibliography is insightful and sets the record straight about the origins of many important concepts."
--Richard Roll, Japan Alumni Chair in International Finance, The Anderson School at UCLA
"Not only does Mark Rubinstein bring to light unexpected early sources (showing that economists have frequently misattributed fundamental contributions), but he also provides a remarkably readable and concise synthesis of the current state of financial thought. This book is far more than a simple history, and should be on every serious thinker's shelf."
-Hayne Leland, Professor of Finance, University of California, Berkeley
The Ancient Period: Pre-1950.
The Classical Period: 1950-1980.
The Modern Period: Post-1980.
Index of Ideas.
Index of Sources.
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