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Artikelanzahl:  1
Warenwert: 21,90 €
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Gesamtbetrag: 25,85 €


1742424 Esposito R.E.:
An Oral History of Our Intellectual Heritage in Genetics
  Preis:   € 72,90

Reihe: Conversations in Genetics, Band: Volume 2
Auflage: 1. Auflage
Verlag: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Erscheinungsdatum: 2005

ISBN-10: 1-933203-07-2   
ISBN-13: 978-193320307-2

In den Warenkorb

Weitere Fachbücher aus dem Fachgebiet:
Biochemie | Genetik | Zell- und Molekularbiologie | 
Conversations in Genetics is a collection of videotaped conversations with geneticists who have made major contributions to the conceptual foundations of modern genetics. These presentations reflect the thoughts and feelings of accomplished researchers as they recall their research achievements and describe the paths they took during various phases of their lives. They provide a rich resource for anyone interested in the history of genetics and the evolution of scientific ideas.

Each volume of Conversations is comprised of five DVDs. They can be purchased individually or as a set of five.
Volume 2, Nos. 1–5

Volume 2, No. 1—Seymour Benzer, James G. Boswell Professor of Neuroscience, Emeritus (Active), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California
Interviewed by David Anderson, Roger W. Sperry Professor of Biology and Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California

Volume 2, No. 2—James F. Crow, Professor Emeritus of Genetics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin
Interviewed by Daniel Hartl, Higgins Professor of Biology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts

Volume 2, No. 3—Ira Herskowitz, Professor of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of California at San Francisco, San Francisco, California
Interviewed by Jasper Rine, Professor of Genetics, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, California

Volume 2, No. 4—Dan Lindsley, Research Professor, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California
Interviewed by Scott Hawley, Senior Scientist, Stowers Institute for Medical Research, Kansas City, Missouri

Volume 2, No. 5—Janet D. Rowley, MD, Blum–Riese Professor of Medicine and Human Genetics, The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
Interviewed by Alfred Knudson, Senior Member, Division of Population Science, Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


review: "Friedberg provides a real inspiration by recounting some of the rich experiences that the scientific life can offer. We are treated to descriptions of sudden flashes of insight over a dram of whisky at a conference in the Scottish highlands, pivotal blackboard discussions with students, and colleagues taking Sunday afternoon walks while planning experiments and searching for fossils….

For those currently investigating DNA repair, this fluent account is essential reading, and would also be a fine complement to courses on the history of molecular biology."

Rochelle Easton Esposito, The University of Chicago; Video production by Aaron Stadler, Fat Cat Vdo; Published by The Genetics Society of America
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