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Artikelanzahl:  4
Warenwert: 112,93 €
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Gesamtbetrag: 116,88 €


2718316 Easy-peasy Chinese
Mandarine chinese for beginners
  Preis:   € 11,00

Verlag: Dorling Kindersley Publishers Ltd
Erscheinungsdatum: 06/2007
Seiten: 128

ISBN-10: 1-4053-1863-5   
ISBN-13: 978-1-4053-1863-1

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Learning Chinese is really difficult, right? Wrong! This book helps you to start speaking, writing and understanding this lingo. Give yourself a Chinese name, see how to haggle in the shops and test yourself to see if you know the key characters.

Learning Chinese is really difficult, right? Wrong! Follow "Easy Peasy Chinese" and you'll be able to start speaking, writing and understanding this No.1 lingo in no time. Look out for the special headphones symbol and listen to the CD, so you can get the pronunciation exactly right. Give yourself a Chinese name, see how to haggle in the shops and test yourself to see if you know the key characters. Got them right? Learning Chinese is easy peasy!
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