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Fachgebiet: Zell- und Molekularbiologie  [37 Treffer]
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Ptashne, Mark
Phage Lambda Revisited
The first edition of Mark Ptashne's 1986 book describing the principles of gene regulation in phage lambda became a classic in both content and form, setting a...

ISBN: 0-87969-716-4, ISBN-13: 978-087969716-7
3. Auflage,  2004/Paperback
In den Warenkorb € 33,20  |  lieferbar in 3-5 Tagen
Guarente, Lenny
One Scientist's Search for the Genes That Prolong Youth
Ageless Quest is a personal, sometimes controversial, account of the pursuit of a genetic ‘cure’ for aging by an expert in the field.
The author is the...

ISBN: 0-87969-652-4, ISBN-13: 978-087969652-8
1. Auflage,  2003/Hardcover
In den Warenkorb € 3,00  |  sofort lieferbar
Esposito R.E.
Conversations in Genetics is a collection of videotaped conversations with geneticists who have made major contributions to the conceptual foundations of...

ISBN: 1-933203-07-2, ISBN-13: 978-193320307-2
1. Auflage,  2005
In den Warenkorb € 72,90  |  sofort lieferbar
Esposito R.E.
Conversations in Genetics is a collection of videotaped conversations with geneticists who have made major contributions to the conceptual foundations of...

ISBN: 1-933203-00-5, ISBN-13: 978-193320300-3
1. Auflage,  12/2002
In den Warenkorb € 62,50  |  sofort lieferbar
James A. Goodrich; Jennifer F. Kugel
This handbook offers a practical guide to the principles of quantitative analysis in biological experiments. The material is primarily aimed at working...

ISBN: 0-87969-736-9, ISBN-13: 978-087969736-5
1. Aufl.,  01/2007/Concealed wire binding
In den Warenkorb € 42,99  |  lieferbar in 3-5 Tagen
Living cells have evolved many ways of coping with metabolic events and environmental influences that damage DNA. These mechanisms, and the frequent...

ISBN: 0-87969-606-0, ISBN-13: 978-087969606-1
1. Auflage,  2000/Paperback
In den Warenkorb € 19,80  |  lieferbar in 3-5 Tagen
Demerec, M.
Biology of Drosophila was first published by John Wiley and Sons in 1950. Until its appearance, no central, synthesized source of biological data on Drosophila...

ISBN: 0-87969-828-4, ISBN-13: 9780879698287
Reprint,  2008/H
In den Warenkorb € 34,00  |  sofort lieferbar
David H. Hall; Zeynep F. Altun
Derived from the acclaimed online “WormAtlas,” C. elegans Atlas is a large-format, full-color atlas of the hermaphroditic form of the model organism C....

ISBN: 0-87969-715-6, ISBN-13: 978-087969715-0
1. Auflage,  02/2008/Concealed wire binding
zum Warenkorb € 72,00  |  sofort lieferbar
Swanton, Charles; Bardelli, Alberto; Polyak, Kornelia
Tumor progression is driven by mutations that confer growth advantages to different subpopulations of cancer cells. As a tumor grows, these subpopulations...

ISBN: 1-62182-143-9, ISBN-13: 9781621821434
1.Auflage,  09/2017/Hardcover
In den Warenkorb € 115,00  |  sofort lieferbar
Sambrook J.; Russel D. W.
From Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual
"Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual" is the world's best-selling manual of molecular biology techniques and it has informed, educated and inspired hundreds...

ISBN: 0-87969-772-5, ISBN-13: 978-087969772-3
1. Aufl.,  05/2006/Hardcover
In den Warenkorb € 125,00  |  sofort lieferbar
Pollard, Thomas D.; Goldman, Robert D.
The cytoskeleton is the intracellular filament system that controls the morphology of a cell, allows it to move, and provides trafficking routes for...

ISBN: 1-62182-016-5, ISBN-13: 978-1-621820-16-1
1.Auflage,  01/2017/Hardcover
In den Warenkorb € 105,50  |  lieferbar in 3-5 Tagen
Micklos, David A.
DNA from the Beginning (a 3–CD set) is a multimedia primer on the basics of DNA, genes, and heredity. It is an ideal teaching tool for high school students and...

ISBN: 0-9710588-0-6, ISBN-13: 978-097105880-4
1. Auflage,  12/2002
In den Warenkorb € 49,00  |  sofort lieferbar
“DNA has come a long way.” James D. Watson, Nobel Laureate

DNA Interactive (DNAi) is a multimedia resource for high school and introductory college biology...

ISBN: 0-9710588-1-4, ISBN-13: 978-097105881-1
1. Aufl.,  2003
In den Warenkorb € 30,20  |  sofort lieferbar
DePamphilis, Melvin L.
At least 5 trillion cell divisions are required for a fertilized egg to develop into an adult human, resulting in the production of more than 20 trillion...

ISBN: 0-87969-766-0, ISBN-13: 978-087969766-2
1. Auflage,  12/2006/Hardcover
In den Warenkorb € 21,00  |  sofort lieferbar
Stillman, Bruce; Stewart, David
The importance of epigenetic regulation of gene expression, particularly in higher organisms, is now clear and the 2004 Cold Spring Harbor Annual Symposium...

ISBN: 0-87969-731-8, ISBN-13: 978-087969731-0
1. Auflage,  2004/Paperback
In den Warenkorb € 25,00  |  sofort lieferbar
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